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Talking Business Podcast -  Tali Leibinger interviewing Tamara Efrat


Portfolio Podcast - Episode 45, Yuval Saar interviewing Tamara Efrat


Israeli Creators, 4.5.2016


I24 News, Trending 2017 


Portfolio - HaThia 14: "Respect the old and value the new", 29.8.2024


Designboom - "Tamara Efrat EXPLORES ECOLOGICAL ENTROPIES", 13.05.23


Design Milk - "Tamara Efrat Uses 3D Printing To Turn Textiles Into Aged Ceramics", 25.02.22


DeZeen - “Tamara Efrat creates smocked bags using Photoshop-like computer program”, 1.12.2015


Design Milk - "Mon Terra Turns Waste Plant Pots Into Furniture and Accessories", 09.07.21

Design wanted - "The Plastic Reincarnation process by Mon Terra" 9.1.2021


Retail Design Blog - "Tamara Efrat Encoded Craft", 16.05.23


Design Break, - “Coding the Embroidered way”, 11.1.2016


Portfolio - "Tamara Efrat, Craft, Code, Living wall", 28.03.23


Legit - "Encoded Craft - When tradition and Craft Meet", 27.03.23


Legit - "Bauhaus Women: From Sisyphean Art to Contemporary Digital Art", 7.12.21


Portfolio - "From planters to lamps and tables" 28.1.2021 


​Xnet - "old planters that transformed into lamps" 7.10.2020


Pop Tarts - "The Decorative Arts of Today" Effi Triger 17.11.21


Calcalist - "Plastic seeds", 7.1.21


Time Out Israel - “Where Fashion Meets Tech", february 2017


Calcalist, - “Genetic Code”, 13.4.2016


Portfolio, - “Embroidered Photoshop”, 25.10.2015


Time Out - “The Bags that combine new technology with old techniques”, 26.10.2015


Israel Hayom - "Yung outbacking Designers", 12.1.2023


Walla Design - "Turning garbage into gold", 8.3.2023


D+A Magazine  - "Atuma", 16.3.2023


Portfolio - "Fresh Paint 2021, Special collaborations" 15.10.2021 


​Designboom - "..DESIGNART TOKYO", 22.10.19


Portfolio - "DesginArtTokyo", 2.10.2019


Xnet - "The hous that can fold into a suitcase" 14.11.2018


"Illustration Week 2018 The Curators Choice" 22.11.2018


The Canberra Times - “Black Box by Judi Elliott and Embracing Innovation: Volume 6 at Craft ACT”, 8.8.2016


Design Museum Magazine - "The questionnaire" 5.3.19


Xnet - “Folding: from houses to bags, origami is expending”, 6.11.2016


DesignBoom, "The 'Violent Object' Exhibition", May 2017


DezignZoom, - “My Digital”, The new Craft, 5.1.2016


Time Out, - "Back to the roots: The exhibition that makes jokes about Modernism”,15.12.2015


Alef Alef Alef Magazine - “Pencil”, 6.11.2016

Portfolio, Illustration week 22.11.2018


​Time Out, - Posters of the country: “Alef Alef Alef” Group in a new exhibition old poster style”,12.3.2015


Portfolio, design week Tokyo 31.8.2

DezignZoom, - “Catch-22”,1.3.2015


House & beauty magazine - “Parametric view on the New Craft”, 25.1.201

DezignZoom, - “graduation show”, 25.2.2016


Galleria, Ha'aretz - "Within Tamara Efrat's Closet", Fashion section, 06.05.2011


Decor10, 1.12.2015


Crafthaus 4.2.2016


Archijob magazine  - "Atuma", 14.3.2023



Conference Paper

Efrat, Tamara Anna, Moran Mizrahi and Amit Zoran. 2016. "The Hybrid Bricolage - Bridging Parametric Design with Craft through Algorithmic Modularity.” The 34th international conference on Human factors in computing systems (CHI '16). ACM, New York, NY, USA


2022- Lecturer at the conference, Design, Code, Human, HIT Holon, 2.5.2022

2017- Lecturer at the 10th International symposium, Design Museum Holon, 8.9.2017

2016- presenting the paper “The Hybrid Bricolage - Bridging Parametric Design with Craft through Algorithmic Modularity”, at CHI, the top conference for Human-Computer Interaction. 7.5.2016-12.5.2016, San Jose, CA, USA

2016- presenting the paper “The Hybrid Bricolage - Bridging Parametric Design with Craft through Algorithmic Modularity”, at Isra HCI, the fourth Israeli conference for research Human-Computer Interaction 18.2.2016, Shenkar School of Engineering and Design, Israel.

2015- participated at the annual conference on the digitization of Cultural Heritage, Van Leer, Jerusalem Institute, 8-9.11.2015.






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