Refund policy
If you’re considering a refund or a return, here are some things you might want to know:
We have a 14-day return policy - no questions asked, which means you have 14 days after receiving your item to request a return, excluding customised or discounted items. Buyers are responsible for return shipping costs.
Please inspect your order upon reception and contact us immediately if the item is defective, damaged or if you receive the wrong items, and we’ll do everything we can to make things right. In case your complaint is approved, Mon Terra is responsible for return shipping costs.
To initiate a return, contact us at or on Whatsapp at +972-54-631-6233 and we’ll provide you with instructions.
You can always contact us for any question or concern at or on Whatsapp at +972-54-631-6233 and we will do everything we can to assist you promptly :)